Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (2024)

by Hadarah | Feb 3, 2021 | Motivation, Set Apart Music | 114 comments

Sometimes things happen in life that we don’t understand. It’s in those times where we get the opportunity to learn to be still and simply trust in Yah. Before I get into a little personal story, I wrote a new song based on Psalms 46:10. It was actually written back in 2019, but I never shared it until now. I hope that it adds meaning to your life in this time, especially with the way the world is going right now. If the music prompts you to be still, leave a comment below and say, “Yah, help me be still.”

Be still, and know that I am Elohim; I am exalted among nations, I am exalted in the earth!”

Psalms 46:10, The Scriptures

So here’s the story. 3 studios. 3 times. No new recording. I reached out to 3 different recording studios about recording my next album, and believe it or not, none of them worked out.

The first studio was a little sketchy, for reasons I won’t get into here. The second, for no apparent reason, completely disappeared. Literally – the recording engineer spoke with me on the phone one day, verbally confirmed he was excited about working together, and then the next week, and for weeks after, he was no where to be found. No phone, no email responses, no nothing. Totally weird. And the third studio – well? I actually had a solid date booked to go in an work with them, and they completely forgot about my appointment and went out of town. Believe it or not, they forgot about me twice lol. I know, crazy, right? Needless to say, I moved on.

With 3 completely different studios not working out, I started to wondered if Yah was trying to tell me something. Was something supernatural going on? I’ve never had problems recording my music with studios in Toronto, why was this so hard in California? Blaming this all on the state of the world just didn’t sit well with me.

I went through a period of doubting whether I should even be recording at all. If I can be candid here, I don’t always feel like making music for public ears. Sometimes I really have to push myself to make space for it. It would be easy for me to say, “Well, I tried.” Or to throw my hands in the air and say, “Oh well, it didn’t work out.”

Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (1)

Be still and know…

Sometimes the idea of just living my quiet peaceful life without posting anything online seems really nice. But I know Yah gave me the gift of music for a reason. It’s meant to be shared with all of you. It’s in the stillness that Yah reaffirmed that to me. When things don’t work out the way we expect, instead of forcing it, or quitting altogether, just sit back for a while and be still.

Right after the third studio situation failed, Hubby and I just so happened to be moving into our new home. Praise Yah – we love it! The way we found this home was a miracle in itself. We were praying for a place that we could grow into, and just be peaceful and settle down for the next few years. Yah literally dropped this place in our laps, and we are so grateful. It’s more than we could have ever asked for.

Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (2)

Make Space.

In the physical.

And the spiritual.

So as I paused to be still, and considered the blessing of our new home, I started getting the impression that Yah was trying to lead me in a new direction. Maybe Yah just wanted me to start learning how to record at home? We finally have the space to do it. So why not? For we know that all things work together for the good of those who love Yahuah, those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

The only challenge I’m facing now is myself. I’ve made the investment in some new equipment, now I just need to learn how to use it all. Thankfully the same recording engineer I worked with in Toronto in the past is still available to mix and master my tracks once they’re recorded. BUT I still need to get the actual recording done myself since I’m in California. Yah is stretching me in this area because I need to learn how to use new software to get this done, and making time for that is the most challenging part. I just want to be real with you about all of this. At this time, I really don’t know when the next recording will be done. Please pray for me as I learn new skills!

Be happy in real life.

Not just on social media.

To help me stay focused, and for many other personal reasons, I’ve deleted my Instagram and Facebook pages. I still have my Youtube and Twitter (for now). Making music means more to me than being present on social media, and at the end of the day I want to remove as many distractions as possible so I can focus on what matters the most. There’s a lot of pressure to share and sometimes over share when we’re on these various platforms. Not to mention, they just lead me to waste a lot of time. In the end, I’ve found that I just enjoy my life a lot more without most forms of social media. I still value my connection with you all here at Set Apart Heart, so thanks for still being around!

Between now and my next post, may Yah keep you and continue to guide you as you practice being still. Sometimes, it’s the only way to make it through in this crazy world. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments below. Let me know if you too are feeling the need to be still. Just type out, “Yah, help me be still” And feel free to leave a testimony or prayer request so the community can read it and pray for you as well. Always remember, you’re never, not ever alone. I’ll see you in the comments below!

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  1. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (4)

    Aleon February 3, 2021 at 9:00 pm



    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (5)

      Hadarahon February 3, 2021 at 9:07 pm

      Shalom Ale, thank you for sharing your prayer! May Yah continue to bless you and your family in all you do and say for Him. Sending the love & respect right back at you!


      • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (6)

        Dee Jayon February 4, 2021 at 12:42 pm

        Yah, help me be still. I’m in a similar situation developing a program that will take me probably the rest of 2021 to finish. Sometimes I lack the motivation to buckle down and keep at it because it’s takes a lot of time, or because I get lazy and don’t feel like dedicating a day to it, or I let my thoughts get the best of me. Thoughts like: what if all of this effort I’m putting in is all for nothing and once I finally complete this give project after dedicating 2 years+ to it, it doesn’t sell. But somehow, through the grace of Yahuah Elohai, I keep going. Even on the most lazy of days where I feel like I can do nothing, I get the push to at least do something on my program, even if just for 20 minutes or an hour. Normally I try to dedicate at least 4-8 hours a day to working on it. My mindset is, If I was working for someone else, I’d have to work 8 hours a day on their program, so why not treat mine like it’s a job instead of a hobby? I’m trying my best to keep my hands busy like the woman in Proverbs 31, so I to deleted my personal social accounts at the end of last year to block out all things vain and negative as much as possible. This blog post today has been somewhat of a confirmation that I have to discipline myself to better control my thoughts and emotions, and when I can’t, I need to be still. Sometimes Yah may just want me to take a break so that I don’t burn myself out. Thanks for posting this and please pray for me and the path I’ve been out on, that I do can push through to completion. I’ll also do the same for you in your new endeavor! It’s exciting that you are learning a new skill which will help you to have more control over your gift once you master it!!


      • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (7)

        Michael Williamon February 9, 2021 at 11:27 am

        Thank you Sister Hadarah for putting together great songs. I have played your songs countless time in the morning. And I won’t cease listening to most of your songs help my walk. I appreciate.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (8)

      Kevinon April 4, 2021 at 4:02 pm

      Shlm my sister ,I am kevin and I am new to the Hebrew teachings and I love what I’ve learn this far .having said that I am here in the caring enjoying your music and message so keep doing what you doing in ABBA YHWH name shlm.


  2. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (9)

    Johnon February 3, 2021 at 9:02 pm

    Yah, help me be still


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (10)

      Hadarahon February 3, 2021 at 9:12 pm

      Yah bless you, John! May Yah give us strength and focus in the stillness as we lean on Him.


      • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (11)

        Rose LLOYD-MARTINon February 4, 2021 at 4:39 am

        Shalom my beloved daughter in Yah, I was wondering why I haven’t heard from you . Halleluyah to Abba Father YHWH through His Bèn Aďam Yuhshua ha’Mashuiah and the indwelling Ruach ha’Qodesh ahmein. In agreement that they always comes on time in all things.
        Like you I have been having some knock backs, I am asking the Majestic Shamayim Realm ahmein, to teach me patience, long suffering, knowledge and wisdom. But, you just reminded me I need to be still and stop getting stressed out about things I cannot change.
        Continue sharing your musical 🎼 talent that Yah as given you.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (12)

      Scott Milleron February 4, 2021 at 5:16 pm

      Such a pretty song….!


      • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (13)

        Hadarahon February 13, 2021 at 7:42 pm

        Praise Yahuah… I’m so glad you’re enjoying the music Scott! Yah bless you.


  3. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (14)

    Fumion February 3, 2021 at 9:09 pm

    Yah help me be still also. I find it hard to be still. Thank you for the music and reminder to be still. May Yah continue to bless you and hubby and I look forward to your music whenever Yah gives you the go ahead. Shalom


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (15)

      Hadarahon February 3, 2021 at 9:16 pm

      You’re not alone Fumi. Even though I’ve let go of social media, there are still lots of distractions. But day by day, making a little more and more space for Yah to move makes a difference. Even if it’s 15 or 20 mins more than you normally would, enjoy the practice of being still and meditating on Yah’s word. May He help us all endure till the end.


  4. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (16)

    Charleneon February 3, 2021 at 9:18 pm

    Yah help me be still an know you are God


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (17)

      Hadarahon February 3, 2021 at 9:53 pm

      Yah bless you Charlene, you’re not alone. May Yah help us all as we trust in Him.


  5. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (18)

    Dennice Broadnaxon February 3, 2021 at 9:38 pm

    Shalom Mishpacha xoxo blessings ✡🖖🖖🙌🙌🥰💝💥😊😷😇and shalom Aleichem!!!


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (19)

      Hadarahon February 3, 2021 at 9:53 pm

      Shalom Dennice 😌 Yah bless you!!


      • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (20)

        Leratoon February 3, 2021 at 11:51 pm

        Yah, help me be still.


        • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (21)

          Hadarahon February 4, 2021 at 12:46 am

          Yah bless you Lerato, and may He help us all to endure and be still.


  6. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (22)

    Brigitte Hansonon February 3, 2021 at 9:43 pm

    The song is beautiful! Continue to be happy! Love you!


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (23)

      Hadarahon February 3, 2021 at 9:55 pm

      Thanks so much for the encouraging words 💕🤗💕 Love you too! Hope your cooking classes are going well!! Catch up soon.


  7. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (24)

    Dajarion February 3, 2021 at 9:45 pm

    Thawadah Achoti for the message & inspiration.. it comes at a time when i just learned of the passing of a close friend and powerful Achoti who fell victim to covid 19.. she was a huge help to me in my awakening to the TRUTHS of ABBAH YAH.. & her passing had my spirit restless even before i received the news of her passing.. & now that I’m aware of it . it has my spirit briefly set back.. but I know without a doubt she’s in the hands of our ABBAH YAH.. so your message comes at a time when uplifting & encouragement is a must needed blessing “.. so I’m thankful for you & your work Achoti Hadarah .. APTTMH 👑🙏🏾👑


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (25)

      Hadarahon February 3, 2021 at 9:58 pm

      Praise Yahuah Dajari. I’m so sorry for your loss, but I’m glad the music came at a time when you needed it. May Yah comfort you and encourage your heart as you trust in Him. Through the stillness and all the ups and downs, He’s there.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (26)

      Melinaon February 3, 2021 at 10:07 pm

      Yah, help me to be still. Thank You Abba for sister Hadarah. Please continue to bless her and this ministry. In Yeshua’s name.🙏🙌💖


      • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (27)

        Hadarahon February 13, 2021 at 7:41 pm

        Yah bless you Melina, and thank you for the prayers! (big hugs)


  8. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (28)

    Yobachion February 3, 2021 at 9:47 pm

    HalleluYah! Oh my Yah! That is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your set-apart heart in song. May praises continually go up to the Most High for He is worthy. Yah has blessed you, Hadarah, to be a sweet psalmist of Yisrael (2 Samuel 23:1). May Yah continue to bless you with the gift of song that you may continue to be a blessing to His people. All praise is due to Yah, Most High (Elyown). Amen.


  9. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (30)

    Tatyanna Robertson February 3, 2021 at 9:53 pm

    Yah help me be still. HalleluYah achoti, beautiful song! All praises to Yahuah for using you! Barak you and your husband!


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (31)

      Hadarahon February 3, 2021 at 10:02 pm

      Yah bless you too Tatyanna. As you practice being still, be encouraged, and know that He is with you through it all.


  10. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (32)

    Karaon February 3, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    Thank you for such Beautiful music right on time and just what the Dr. Ordered! ❤🙌🏽🤗


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (33)

      Hadarahon February 3, 2021 at 10:03 pm

      Praise Yah – Kara I’m so glad the music came on time for you sis. Be blessed in Yahuah. Let’s be still 😌


  11. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (34)

    Kim S Watkinson February 3, 2021 at 10:02 pm

    Yah, help me be still. I love this song & the beautiful view of the sunset from your new home! HalaluYah!!! Sis, that’s wonderful & I pray Yahuah
    blesses you with all of the skills you need to produce more beautiful music!


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (35)

      Hadarahon February 4, 2021 at 12:39 pm

      Shalom Kim, thank you so much for the prayers and I’m glad you’re enjoying the music. Yah bless you too! In all that the ways you need it most 💕


  12. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (36)

    QueenAnaon February 3, 2021 at 10:27 pm

    Yah, Help me to be still. It is amazing how Tah is always on time. I was feeling a little disconnected until I listened to your song. I am happy you and your husband have the home you asked for. It sounds like the perfect place to honor Yahuah with your music and share with the rest of us. Thank you. Commit your learning to the most high, and all your heart ❤desires will be fulfilled.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (37)

      Hadarahon February 4, 2021 at 12:44 pm

      Hi QueenAna, Yah bless you as you trust in Him! And thanks for the encouraging words 😌 means a lot.


  13. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (38)

    Akasi'Yahon February 3, 2021 at 11:08 pm

    Yah help me to be still🤗🤗💌💌


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (39)

      PieTeRon February 3, 2021 at 11:24 pm

      Such a beautiful joyous song. All praise and glory to YAH forevermore HalleluYah!
      Thank you for making this beautiful humble song available. May YAH bless your dear Heart and Soul…

      Shalom Alecheim : -))


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (40)

      Hadarahon February 4, 2021 at 12:48 pm

      Yah bless you Akasi’Yah 🤗 in the stillness and through it all.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (41)

      Karenon February 5, 2021 at 9:54 am

      Yah, help me be still! I am working on being still, quieting all the noise around me and listening for Yah.
      I ask the community for prayer as I do so. I am also looking for others to do Bible study with via phone or virtual.
      Thank you for your beautiful smile and music.
      Yah’s continue Blessing in our lifes


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (42)

      Nokoon March 1, 2021 at 2:57 pm

      I’m new into the things of Yah. May Yah bless us all…


  14. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (43)

    Adele Ramoson February 4, 2021 at 1:19 am

    Thank you for sharing your inspiration!
    Blessed love, Hadarah!


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (44)

      Hadarahon February 4, 2021 at 12:58 pm

      Blessed love to you too, Adele! Always great to hear from you sis. I pray all is well with you and yours 😌


  15. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (45)

    Lawrence Morganon February 4, 2021 at 2:24 am

    Praise Yah for for giving you a place to grow. I look forward to the songs that will emerge from the stillness. Yah Bless your efforts; take your time and listen to His still small voice…and I believe that you will soon hear Him say, “well done “…Shalom my Sister :>)


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (46)

      Hadarahon February 4, 2021 at 1:09 pm

      Praise Yah 😌 thanks for the encouragement Lawrence! Yah bless you too!!


  16. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (47)

    Juliuson February 4, 2021 at 3:10 am

    YAH, help me be still.

    Shalom Sister Hadarah,

    A beautiful confirmation to receive your touching message today and your wauvvvv….. “Be still”….. Psalm 46 and verse 10 is one of my favourites, since tp me YAHUAH is STILLNESS and STILLNESS is YAHUAH. It’s in the stillness that YAH especially moves in my life.

    May YAH keep blessing you, your husband and whole family, in King Yahusha HaMashiach’s Holy Name.

    NB: What a beautiful and blessed view.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (48)

      Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 1:40 am

      Yah bless you too Julius!! Shalom shalom 😌


  17. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (49)

    Maite Jenneron February 4, 2021 at 4:10 am

    YAH help me be still. In need of a place to move into as we have to leave our present house (Our landlords need to sell it). Have been praying and trying since October 2020 but doors are still closed.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (50)

      Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 1:43 am

      Shalom Maite, I pray Yah provides you the exact place that you need 😌 He’s always on time, keep on trusting and seeking His direction. May Yahuah’s will be revealed 💕


  18. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (51)

    Chrispineon February 4, 2021 at 6:50 am

    Thank you sister for letting Yah shine His light through you. Beautiful song. Sometimes we get so caught up in what we think is a ‘no’ from Yah and end up missing what follows after the ‘no’. He is amazing and always has our best interest at heart.

    “Yah, help me be still.”

    May Yah bless you and your family Hadarah. Truly.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (52)

      Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 1:45 am

      Yah bless you and your family too Chrispine! And thanks for sharing your thoughts 😌 I totally agree.


  19. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (53)

    Juliet Aon February 4, 2021 at 7:23 am

    Be still and know.. that we love you and YAH loves you. HalleluYah. Todah sis.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (54)

      Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 1:47 am

      Shalom Juliet!! Praise Yah. Sending love right back at you and your family too 💕🤗💕


  20. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (55)

    Maiteon February 4, 2021 at 9:43 am

    Shalom Hadarah,

    Shall be praying for you to master the art of recording on your own and with the engineer´s help also. You have been given the gift of creating music and need to use it as you will be able to bless many in the process.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (56)

      Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 1:48 am

      Thanks for the encouragement Maite!! I hear you – and I agree. Yahuah’s will be done 😌


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (57)

      Name *Nei Dantason February 5, 2021 at 9:40 am

      Que máximo! Um novo lar uma nova possibilidade. Claro que sempre tenho que ficar quieto. Agora tem sido assim, sou fotógrafo e as coisas não estão dando muito certo também. Estou quieto, aguardando em Yah.
      Que Yah te abençoe com Shalom!

      Desde Brasil.


  21. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (58)

    carolon February 4, 2021 at 10:49 am

    Praise Yahuwah! He is so good to give us talented people like you, Hadarah! Yes, sometimes we must wait on Him and be still; then we can be sure to hear Him! With all the ‘distractions’ in this life, we really have to make an effort to focus on Yah. If we ask, He will give us all that is good for us in time. Waiting is the hard part in our instant gratification world. Praying for you to continue with your beautiful music that praises Yah so wonderfully.
    May Yah bless you both and keep you in His purposeful hands.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (59)

      Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 1:50 am

      Thank you for the encouraging words Carol!! Yah bless you and your household too 😌 Let’s endure till the end 💕


  22. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (60)

    Deborah Yashara’alon February 4, 2021 at 11:48 am

    YAH help me be still.

    Bless you my sister, for such a sweet reminder presented in a beautiful melody.
    YAH is doing a new thing in your life, and it will be worth the wait.

    Love and blessings to you and your husband.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (61)

      Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

      Praise Yah – He truly is doing a new thing. May Yah bless you and your family as you continue to trust in Him 🤗


  23. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (62)

    Sariyahon February 4, 2021 at 12:57 pm

    Yah, help me be still. All honor to the most high. Hadarah, you are a blessing more than you know. I pray that Yah continue to bless you so that you can bless others with your special gift. Songs from the word is telling the message in another way. I can remember more of the word when it is sung in a song. How about that. You sing it with a righteous spirit. I am truly bless by it. Love, peace and blessings.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (63)

      Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 1:53 am

      Shalom Sariyah, I’m so glad you’re being blessed 💕 May Yah continue to bless you through it all. And thank you for sharing your words!!


  24. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (64)

    Sophia Michaelon February 4, 2021 at 1:19 pm

    Hey sis i Love this new music. As I said before you voice is so beautiful and calming.
    Yah help me to be still.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (65)

      Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 1:55 am

      Hey Sophia, shalom sis. Praise Yah. Be blessed as you trust in Him 😌


  25. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (66)

    Roseon February 4, 2021 at 2:50 pm

    Hello, Hadarah,

    I am also in a waiting mode too. I can say that I am patiently waiting for YAHUAH to move me forward. When I get anxious I too have learned to be still. Once I do that I started to breath again and YAHUAH lets me know through his word that I should continue to trust him and only him.

    I begin to say THALYM/34
    34 1I will Barak YAHUAH at all times: YAHUAH’S praise shall continually be in my mouth.
    2My NAPASH shall make her boast in YAHUAH: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. 3O magnify YAHUAH with me, and let us exalt YAHUAH’S name together. So thank you for another inspirational song.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (67)

      Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 1:58 am

      Shalom Rose, praise Yahuah. Thank you for sharing 🤗 Yah bless you!


  26. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (68)

    Bonita Amoson February 4, 2021 at 3:29 pm

    Yah, help me to be still and know that you are Elohim.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (69)

      Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 2:00 am

      Be blessed in Him Bonita 😌


  27. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (70)

    N'Koy OTSHUDIon February 4, 2021 at 4:29 pm

    Yahuah shalum beloved sister! yahuah whom declares the end from the begining, has the purpose for every thing in life.sometimes life becomes unpredictable but in all we shall be till in YAHUAH whom strengthen us at the time of our lack and want.may abba continue to barukh you and your house hold,for this great inspiration.abba YAHUAH whom had barukh you with this great talent will make every provision for you to fulfill his purpose of creation in your life. it’s sister joy am writing through my husband’s you sis and continue stand still in YAHUAH.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (71)

      Tammyon February 5, 2021 at 9:29 am

      Yah, help me be still. Hadarah, my husband and I sold all that we had and moved out to the country , not because for fear but to be away from all the distractions . We had wanted to do this for years but we could never seem to make it happen and when we gave up and said well Yah wants us to stay so we continued to run our business and then one day after trying for 3 years to sell it and then giving up , I was still at a red light and I heard in my mind to ask Damon the man I was on my way to see , if he wants to buy the business and I kept thinking he don’t want to buy it, but the thought kept coming , to ask him , so when I got there I walked in and him and his partner was there and we had small talk and the began to tell me that they where going to buy a business like mine . I was so surprised I could not believe what I was hearing . To make this short , they bought it 3 weeks later . Then we where told we would not be able to sell our home because no one was buying because the interest rate was so low every one was refinancing. But we put it on the market anyway and trusted Yah and it sold with in 10 minutes and for 20% more than the asking price. So I know that just about the time you want to just give up that’s when He shows up. Praying for you and all of those here . Love you


      • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (72)

        Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 10:03 am

        Tammy that is an AMAZING testimony 😁 thank you for sharing sis!! May Yah continue to lead and guide the direction of your lives!! HalaluYah!! 💕🤗💕


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (73)

      Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 10:00 am

      Yah bless you too N’koy!! And thank you so much for the encouraging words. Shalum to you and your household as well 😌 have a blessed Shabbat when it comes!!


  28. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (74)

    Batyaon February 4, 2021 at 4:36 pm

    Such a beautiful song and view of the sunset; looks like you are looking over a vineyard….so amazing!
    Thank you for sharing your gift, YAH has blessed you !!!


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (75)

      Hadarahon February 5, 2021 at 10:07 am

      The heavens declare the esteem of Yahuah 😌 He’s so good! And yes, we just so happen to be right behind a vineyard lol – it’s not ours but right behind us so the view of the sunset is beautifully clear! So grateful 💕 all praise to Yahuah!


  29. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (76)

    Scott Milleron February 4, 2021 at 5:17 pm

    Such a pretty song..!


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (77)

      Hadarahon February 6, 2021 at 6:12 am

      Praise Yah – I’m glad you’re enjoying the music Scott! Yah bless you 😌


  30. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (78)

    Yvonneon February 5, 2021 at 3:27 am

    Shalom my sister in Yah.
    Lovely song….just a reminder when things are hectic and all this talk about this fake deadly corona virus. Then the vaccine that is killing hundreds of people. This is a time when we ‘need to be still with Yah’. Also we know the end is so very near and things are going to get worse. We need to be strong in our Belief in Yahuwah and Yahusha…shalom.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (79)

      Hadarahon February 6, 2021 at 6:16 am

      Shalom Yvonne, no matter where people stand on the state of the world, we know this is true, Yah is still in control 😌 Praise Yah He’s coming soon. Let’s endure and continue on until the very end. Indeed we will see much greater and more turbulent times than these. Revelation tells it all. Endure till the end.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (80)

      Michaelon February 9, 2021 at 11:33 am

      Thank you so much sister Hadarah for helping my spiritual journey


      • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (81)

        Hadarahon February 13, 2021 at 7:40 pm

        I’m so glad the music helps! Let’s keep on looking up 🙂


  31. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (82)

    DeLynneon February 5, 2021 at 9:36 am

    Yah help me be still in this time of confusion and uncertainty.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (83)

      Hadarahon February 6, 2021 at 6:17 am

      Shalom DeLynne, Yah bless you 🤗 you’re not alone 💕


  32. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (84)

    RANDALL Watkinson February 5, 2021 at 12:18 pm

    Be still and know

    Very meaningful meassage in the melody.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (85)

      Hadarahon February 6, 2021 at 6:18 am

      Praise Yahuah. It means a lot to me too, one of my fave psalms.


  33. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (86)

    Miriam Rina Bat Yah Yisraelon February 5, 2021 at 4:00 pm

    Todah achoti Hadarah for your beautiful music! Yah please help me to be still. Shalom and blessings to you and your Hubby.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (87)

      Hadarahon February 6, 2021 at 6:19 am

      Shalom Miriam, and Yah bless you and your family too 😌 I’m so glad you’re enjoying the music. 💕


  34. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (88)

    LioraYahon February 5, 2021 at 5:57 pm

    Thank you for sharing your songs. It is always a pleasure to hear and see your progress. I remember a while ago, you were recording for yourself. In the mean time, Yah will send the right people for your progress.

    Be Blessed!


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (89)

      Hadarahon February 6, 2021 at 6:10 am

      Shalom LioraYah – in all my years of recording I’ve only done one song myself at home, and that was Heal Our Land. I really struggled with getting the quality that I wanted, so it was easier to record in the studio. I’m trying to learn to do things differently and follow Yah’s guidance during this time, and just let go, and let Yah! Hence the reminder to be still as we trust in Him. Hope that helps to add more perspective. Thanks for reaching out! Shabbat shalom 😌


      • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (90)

        Michaelon February 9, 2021 at 11:28 am

        Thank you Sister Hadarah for putting together great songs. I have played your songs countless time in the morning. And I won’t cease listening to most of your songs help my walk. I appreciate.


        • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (91)

          Hadarahon February 13, 2021 at 7:39 pm

          Shalom Michael, I’m so glad the music has a place in your life. May Yah continue to bless you in all you do and say for Him!


  35. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (92)

    Kellieon February 6, 2021 at 12:36 am

    YAH, help me be still! Because I know YOU ☝🏾 Hold the future. Sis. Batyah your post was sent from Elohim – it was an encouraging word and testament.

    The Holy Spirit was just reminding me to be anxious about nothing before I came across your post. Confirmation!

    Thank you for sharing your gifts. May YAH continue to bless you and those you love. 🙏🏾❤️


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (93)

      Hadarahon February 6, 2021 at 6:11 am

      Beautiful. I’m so glad this was confirmation Kelli. Yah bless you through it all sis 🤗


  36. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (94)

    Ahdayahon February 6, 2021 at 11:22 am

    Praise YAHUAH my sister, for these trials only make us stronger. Don’t give up on us. We need your music to help keep us strong in the truth my sister. You know, that this is a vital component of our walk. I praise TMH for you and your husband and for all you do to help uplift our spirit and in worshiping our Creator. Much 💞 shalum and happiness to you both.😊


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (95)

      Hadarahon February 7, 2021 at 10:48 am

      Shalom Ahdayah, Yah bless you and thanks for the encouraging words!! Don’t worry, I’m not giving up on making music or recording. Just taking my time with the process 🙂


  37. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (96)

    Nala Yahon February 6, 2021 at 11:40 am

    Shabbat Shalom from Michigan beloved sister this song is confirmation on what Yah has already spoken of concerning me at this time in my life I have learned to wait on Yah and I will continue to do so no matter what may come my way Todah for your song beloved sister🙌🏾☝🏾


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (97)

      Hadarahon February 7, 2021 at 10:50 am

      Shalom Nala Yah! Hope you had a peaceful shabbat 🙂 I used to live in Michigan! Back when I was in university 🙂 So glad that the message in some was confirmation for you. Let’s continue to be still and wait on Yahuah. Stay blessed!


  38. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (98)

    Dawnon February 6, 2021 at 4:35 pm

    YAH, help me t be still.


  39. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (99)

    Dawn R.on February 6, 2021 at 4:35 pm

    YAH, help me t be still.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (100)

      Hadarahon February 7, 2021 at 10:51 am

      Shalom Dawn, may Yah bless you through it all… Let’s keep on looking up!


  40. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (101)

    Emmaon February 6, 2021 at 9:00 pm

    Halal Yahuah through Yahusha haMashyach. Giving praises to our creator, provider and sustainer. From everlasting to everlasting His Name is to be praised.
    I pray Ab Yahuah’s barakah in abundance and beyond measure to you as you continue to serve Him with the musical talents He has gifted you.
    I had been unwell and recovering now. During that time Ab Yahuah was showing me how to truly be still and wait on Him, that had I not been obedient and be still that things would have been worse for me. He is awesome. Such a joy to be still and trust Him during the waiting. Halal Yahuah


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (102)

      Hadarahon February 7, 2021 at 10:52 am

      Shalom Emma, thanks for sharing your testimony! May the healing continue to flow in the stillness as you trust in Yahuah. Yah bless you too 🙂


  41. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (103)

    Hadassah Esther The hebrewnesson February 8, 2021 at 9:42 am

    YAHUAH bless you Hadarah


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (104)

      Hadarahon February 13, 2021 at 7:37 pm

      Yah bless you too, Hadassah! Have a wonderful week 🙂


  42. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (105)

    Ericka Corleyon February 9, 2021 at 2:49 pm

    Yah help me be still…Shalum sis
    It is truly a barakah how Yah puts it on you to bring the Psalms(songs) to life very motivational.

    Baraku and love in and through Yah always


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (106)

      Hadarahon February 13, 2021 at 7:38 pm

      Praise Yahuah – It’s humbling to be used by Him 🙂 I pray Yah continues to use us all for His Kingdom in whatever way He chooses. Have a wonderful week Ericka, Yah bless you!


  43. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (107)

    Yvetteon February 14, 2021 at 1:39 pm

    YAH, please help me be still in your Presence!


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (108)

      Hadarahon March 14, 2021 at 9:45 am

      May Yah be with you through it all, Yvette 😌 Yah bless.


  44. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (109)

    Tabathaon March 3, 2021 at 12:45 pm

    Good morning my sister in YAHUAH. I’m sorry that it took me so long to respond. Praise be to YAHUAH! My message is long but I’ll try to make it short . About 15 years ago one of my sisters in YAHUAH introduced the truth to me but I didn’t understand at the time .Yah knew a didn’t know but my faith was so strong that whatever I prayed in the other (name) is was so in Yah timing . For years I keep saying there is something more to what I’m being taught. I prayed and prayed that the Father would connect me with people who really worshiped the true and living creator. I was never satisfied with what I was getting and people would look at me strange and at one time I though it was me but it was Yah showing me things I couldn’t understand. This was May 6 1993 I think. As years went I meet this young lady 7 months after my father passed away and he also tried revealing things to me over years ago and I didn’t do any research and he was a chemistry teacher. One day this young lady called me on August 26 2020 and I can remember just as good as it was yesterday or today. I’ve known more in 7 months than in the 27 years I’ve been thought. Thanks for letting me experience myself. You can call me if you like.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (110)

      Hadarahon March 14, 2021 at 9:48 am

      Shalom Tabatha, thanks for sharing your testimony 😌 May Yah continue to lead you as you trust in Him!! Stay blessed sis.


  45. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (111)

    Jmportlandon March 8, 2021 at 1:55 am

    Greetings daughter of Yasharel,
    I just want to encourage you in your stillness and hope that Yah leads you to continue to bless the body with your gift. I praise Yah for you and pray blessings upon you and your husband. May Yah’s presence through the Ruach continue to empower both of you to rest in his will. I pray that his voice will be clear and that your belief and obedience be complete. Your music has really blessed me in my quiet time with abba father and I have recently started to share your music during our Shabbat services. The father has truly used your music to bless and strengthen Yasharel. I just wanted to encourage you and share that with you. Haleluyah….Praise Yahawah (Yahuah)…Now we live.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (112)

      Hadarahon March 14, 2021 at 9:50 am

      Thank you for all the encouraging words and for sharing the music Jmportland. That’s a blessing and I pray you will continue to be blessed as well 😌 have a great week!


  46. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (113)

    Dianne Bullock-Bellon March 21, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    I am hurting in my ruakh. But being still in YAHUAH my Supreme Aluahym, HIS Ruakh will allow me to heal and see the path and the barukah of the journey HE’s taking me. Continue going down the path YAHUAH has for you. May you see the joy of what is in store. I Ahab your music for it definitely carries a message.


    • Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (114)

      Hadarahon March 27, 2021 at 1:41 pm

      Shalom Dianne. I pray the healing will continue to flow. There is nothing more meaningful than following Yah and going where he leads you. Keep pressing on, and thank you for encouraging me to do the same. Yah bless you 🙂


  47. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (115)

    Gwennieon March 31, 2021 at 1:20 pm

    I always enjoy listening to your music. Your voice is so soothing. This week I am being still and had time to write a response. I am enjoying this period of solitude and catching up on emails. Congratulations on your new song and look forward to many more.
    HallelluYah APTMH and Happy Passover


  48. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (116)

    LaTeasaon April 6, 2021 at 5:13 am

    Yahuah help me be still‼️


  49. Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (117)

    Paulaon August 24, 2022 at 5:09 pm

    Blessings to you sister Hadarah. May Father continue to you bless you and stretch your talents for music. I am so happy you have found a place for you and your husband to settle too and you get to see the beautiful sunset, part of Father’s great creation.

    YAH please help me to be still. I find myself praying and then rushing off to do things when I should spend longer being still and waiting for The Most High to speak to my heart through His Holy Spirit. He is teaching me every day and I see the changes in me and I am so overjoyed that He loves me and wants to spend time with me. We truly have an amazing Father Abba. Shalom 🙏🏽❤️


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Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song. - Set Apart Heart (2024)


What does "be still" mean in Psalm 46:10? ›

The phrase "be still" uses a Hebrew term which can be rendered as "relax," "let go," or "stop." It implies an act of surrender—a release of striving and hostility. Prior verses pointed out that attempting to fight against God is a losing proposition (Psalm 46:8–9).

What does it mean when God tells you to be still and know that I am God? ›

Psalm 46:10. The first meaning comes from the Old Testament and the verse from Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that I am God. God is defending His city and people. The Hebrew definition is to stop striving, to let go, surrender. The chapter begins and ends with God is our refuge.

What does "be still" mean spiritually? ›

Psalm 46:10. Take a minute and meditate on this verse right now. Be Still. This phrase is actually derived from the Hebrew word rapha which means “to be weak, to let go, to release.” Essentially, it means surrender.

When God tells us to be still? ›

When God says BE STILL in His Word, it's because He has an important revelation for us. It's because He wants to draw our attention and focus to something in particular. In Hebrew, the word for “be still” in this verse means “relax, sink, let go, cease.” In this verse, He's asking us to cease.

What is the prayer for Psalm 46:10? ›

Prayer: Father, forgive us for trying to control every aspect of our lives. Forgive us for failing to trust you, for playing God ourselves. Give us the grace and strength to “stand empty” before you, relying on you, casting our worries and fears on you, trusting you.

What is the devotion of Psalm 46 10? ›

Psalm 46:10 Reminds Us That During times of hardship and suffering, God is calling us to be still before Him. You think about Exodus chapter 14, when God gave this similar command to his people.

What is the purpose of being still? ›

Stillness is powerful. “Being still is like replenishing the stores. It allows us time and space.” It gives us time and space to self-reflect and actually hear our thoughts, Lawson said. It also soothes our nervous system.

What does be still and know that I am your God mean? ›

Meaning of 'Be Still and Know That I Am God' in Psalm 46:10. Psalm 46 is a beloved passage in which the psalmist declared that no matter what was happening around him, God was his refuge and strength. Safe in the assurance that he is God, we can wait on him even amid chaos. He is still on his throne.

How can I be still in God every day? ›

Draw near to God and invite the still, small moments of quiet surrender, and He will reveal Himself to you. Incorporating the daily rhythm of stillness is how we learn to behold the presence of God in the everyday mundane.

What is the Hebrew meaning of still in Psalm 46:10? ›

The command to "be still" comes from the Hiphil stem of the verb (רפה) rapha (meaning to be weak, to let go, to release), which might better be translated as, "cause yourselves to let go" or "let yourselves become weak" (in poetic contexts, the noun form rephai'im was sometimes used as a synonym for "the place of the ...

What does it mean to be still and wait on the Lord? ›

Waiting upon the Lord means fixing our gaze on Him: on His invisible and eternal qualities, on His character, and His love. This is an act of faith and trust in Him; an attitude of expectancy that He will surely show off in our lives so we can experience His presence and care.

What does time be still mean? ›

What is the meaning of the phrase 'time stands still'? ( Thirumaran) The expression 'time stands still' means that you feel that everything around you seems to stop for a while.

What does stand still mean in the Bible? ›

Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you...." (verses 15-17). The phrase "set yourself, stand still" means "take your position; do not waver in this matter." In other words: "Take a position of faith. Be convinced the battle is the Lord's.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.