Old Candy (FNAC FUR) (2025)

Talking to Candy and Cindy for the first time

"hey there youngins"

"here for another adventurous tale of mine?"

"heh, get it?"

"my joke!"

"y’see, i said “tale”"

"because we’re cats and we have tails!"

"anyway, have you two seen my lucky coin?"

"i must’ve lost it a while ago"

Talking to Candy and Cindy before they find his lucky coin

"hello again"

"didya find my lucky coin?"

Trying to give him his lucky coin without having it

"nahhh you don’t have my lucky coin."

"don’t try yanking this old tail"

"it’s IMPOSSIBLE for you to have found it."

Old Candy’s story

"did i ever tell you about my battle against the dogs?"

"it was a day like any other"

"the sky, blue, with clouds sailing across it"

"the wind was in the trees… soft, and yet brittle"

"i was on my way to see my friend, blank"

"but on the way there, you wouldn’t believe what i saw…"


"dogs as far as cat eyes could see"

"but as true as my pointy ears, i did not hesitate"

"i clawed my way through those sorry canine crooks"

"i must’ve defeated hundreds of dogs, i kept losing count"

"but when i finally reached my friend, the poor bastard…"

"he was all out of breath, i could only make out a few words"

"”somehow… the… boss dog… has… returned!”"

"the fiendish beast itself…"

"the boss dog"

"my old nemesis, once vanquished by my claws…"

"had returned!"

"i knew what i had to do to stop him once more"

"so i continued my trek across sweet hills"

"i crossed the great lake, but something lurked deep within…"

"the waters were infested not with piranhas or sharks…"

"but… MER-DOGS!"

"these aquatic abominations reside in the water…"

"before they LAUNCH themselves at ya!"

"mer-dogs are as real as you and i, kiddo!"

"i could’ve never made up a creature so cruel…"

"an evil dog mixed with something as delicious as fish…"

"luckily, i made it across the bridge…"

"with my tail still connected to my body"

"but now, hold on to your butts and do not fret"

"this is where the story takes a dark turn"

"because there i stood"

"at the entrance to a dark, dark cave"

"so then, i climbed into the cave, down steep steep rocks"

"luckily, my jumping skills are unmatched by any creature!"

"deeper within the cave, i faced many tricky jumps"

"as well as more dogs to be clobbered"

"and yet, i made it across every chasm…"

"leaving behind me a trail of defeated dogs"


"this dog was at least four times bigger than normal dogs…"

"and what’s worse, it spat FIREBALLS at me!"

"it nearly singed the ends of my fur a few times"

"the fight was intense and longwinded"

"i tried to ambush it from behind…"

"but it kept matching my jumps when i tried to jump over it!"

"haha, yes well"

"i couldn’t let that big buffoon know this, now could i?"

"anyway, in the end…"

"i reigned victorious thanks to my quick tactics"

"i was at the end of the cave"

"all of the rubble and rock had now been replaced by brick"

"i had arrived… at the lair of the boss dog"

"the immense feeling of heat kept growing as i progressed"

"for at the end, there were pools of boiling LAVA everywhere!"

"and to my surprise, i was not alone…"

"the place was of course infested with dogs and mer-dogs"

"just like back in sweet hills…"

"however, these were no ordinary living creatures…"

"they had been turned into SKELETONS!!"

"skele-dogs, and skele-mer-dogs, to be exact!"

"but did you think that scared me?"

"think again!"

"i jumped across the lava, from platform to platform"

"i was jumping like i had never jumped in my life!"

"clawing my way through skele-dogs and skele-mer-dogs…"

"they panicked so much that they threw their own bones at me!"

"but finally, I had reached the end of the lair…"

"at the boss dog’s chambers!"

"before entering his chambers, i had to brace myself…"

"for what awaited me would quickly become the fight of my life!"

"i entered the chamber, and there he lay…"

"the boss dog himself"

"the sheer size of this fella…"

"he must’ve been nearly 10 times as tall as me!"

"he began attacking me, violently and furiously…"

"with my quick and precise jumps…"

"i managed to dodge around his claws"

"and using the loot i had found across my journey,"

"i went for his head!"

"the nonspecific but useful kind"

"it made me stronger and more agile!"


"after a few new cuts to his face, the boss dog went all out!"

"his claws were everywhere…"

"he shot enormous fireballs everywhere…"

"he even shot GREEN LASERS from his eyes!"

"but even with all those powers…"

"he was still no match for me"

"i finally defeated the boss dog once more…"

"and so i went home for the day"

"y’see, dogs like to think themselves superior to cats"

"and it’s that kind of arrogance that blinds them"

"one must be wise and know one’s own limits"

"regardless of species"

"heh, any day for you two!"

Old Candy (FNAC FUR) (2025)
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Article information

Author: Domingo Moore

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Views: 6393

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.